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veronica vianini porcellana trento

I've always believed that extraordinary things can happen in life.

It happened to me with porcelain.

In 2015 I started the production of my porcelain ... I still remember the satisfaction of looking at my first “perfect” cup!

After a thousand attempts, errors and trials, I have become familiar with the subject and over time I have increased my technical confidence.

Working with porcelain is a tough choice, because of all ceramics it is the most precious and elegant one.

The only translucent one, and the most difficult, too.

To create a handcrafted object in porcelain it takes at least 10 working days.

A long job, which requires about ten steps, as well as two firings: the second one reaches a temperature of 1250 degrees centigrade.

Each step of the birth of an object requires experience, sensitivity, precision.

This is why I have learned to value failure too, not to lose patience in the face of negative results.

Indeed, mistakes become an opportunity for me to look for the right path, through beauty and lightness.

My sensitivity and passion for design, literature and art often lead me to design and create objects that interact with these worlds, which have always fascinated me since the very early times of my life and which opened my eyes in my University years Venice, where I studied foreign languages ​​and literature at Ca 'Foscari.

I have lived and worked in a lab-apartment for three years now: a welcoming and well lit place where I can express my passion for "handmade" and find inspiration by looking up at the rooftops and the changing nature of my Trento.

Living in the same place where I work, the very large spaces of my lab-apartment mean that my private life and my passion for porcelain are complementary.

In the autumn and winter months, the door to my "creative world" opens to the workshops I organize, aimed at those who want to learn how to make unique porcelain objects, spending a peaceful and creative day.

Those who have participated in any of these special days tell of the beautiful feeling of freedom and empathy felt in expressing themselves with originality in such an airy and bright space.